Category: Visitors
Child’s Play India Foundation kids and teachers play Perpetual Motion (Suzuki) 28 Feb 2016
Volunteers from Oberlin : an update
19 January 2014 Hello! We thought we would send another update now that we are more settled in here. The Hamara School is an orphanage that houses, feeds, and educates 80 Indian children. We are teaching fifteen of the kids violin and cello. Many of the children do not know their age, but most are…
Meet our volunteers from Oberlin Conservatory, USA
We were delighted to hear from three young musicians from Oberlin Conservatory, USA. They wanted to come to Goa to work with Child’s Play and we were happy to have them here with us this January – February. Josie and Sophie Davis (violins) and Jaime Feldman (cello) are spending six weeks with us and they…
A seasoned Suzuki teacher volunteers with us
We have had a steady spate of international volunteers recently and we were really delighted to include Clare Raybould, a seasoned Suzuki teacher from London, to the list. Clare spent a few weeks over Christmas and the New Year with Child’s Play. She worked with our children at Hamara School and Aldona, gave several masterclasses…
Meet the Viola da Gamba
When unusual instruments come to town, we like to celebrate it. Filipa Menses, pianist and proponent of the viola da gamba was recently in Goa to perform at a concert with Hugo Reis, Portuguese guitar. In advance of the concert, Child’s Play was delighted to host a ‘Meet the Viola da Gamba’ at Casa da…
Press: Herald, 6 August 2013
Some of our Spanish volunteers made it to Page 3, as part of a report on our Dream Catcher concert – a combined effort by Camerata Child’s Play India and the musicians from the University of Seville. You can read a review here.
Goodbye, Friends from Spain!
They’ve been with us for several weeks, making music, braving our monsoon. Some of them have begun heading back home now, some moving on to travel a little more of India before going back to Spain. We’d like to say a BIG Thank You to all these lovely musicians who came to work with Child’s…
Press: Herald, July 2013
This July-August, we are delighted to have ten musicians from the University of Seville, Spain, coming to Goa to work with Child’s Play. These musicians have also been taken under the wing of Goa University and their newly-launched Visiting Professorship Scheme. Professor Santiago Lusardi Girelli will be the first Anthony Gonsalves Chair for Western Music…